Friday, April 20, 2007

Bill O'Reilly is a Fucktard

I was watching Bill O'Reilly on his Factor, and I was suddenly struck with the revelation that he is in fact more of a fucktard then I had origionally believed. I was very bored and waiting for my mother to watch Stargate Atlantis with me, so I decided to watch his airing of the insanities. Seriously. He had a few interesting points to make these mere 10 minutes of his show alone.
A. It is important that the media tell people the race of the Virginia Tech murderer over and over, contrary to the beliefs of the representative of the Asian American Journalist Accociation's beliefes, becuase it is vitally relevant to the profile of this particular murderer.
B. He commented on how people have pretty much NEVER committed hate crimes against Muslims and people from Iran and Iraq after 9/11. Seriously people, who ever heard of such a silly thing?
C. He put the words "womens health" in quotation marks with his hands when talking about abortion. Because women's health is, in fact, a myth.
D. A commercial during one of his breaks was for a conservative magazine, which, and I quote, "Shapes the news, not follows it". God forbid our news is straighforward, to the point, and without any bais.
In conclusion to my in-depth research, Bill O'Reilly is, in fact, a fucktard of the most serious kind.

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