Thursday, January 22, 2009

End of

Its the end of finals. I didn’t do well, but I dont care.

I got a C+ on my Philosophy paper because it was too informal. I was so mad I had a fake conversation with Ms. Donlin in the mirror for about an hour. I know I deserved that grade since I wrote the paper in half an hour and didn’t edit it, but I will hate getting bad grades from incopetent teachers. I still have an A- in the class though.

Rachael and Peter wrote a song about me. Well, Rachael wrote it and both of them performed it. I am so happy about it! Its called “Gently” and she talks about chemistry class, and grey eyes and striped socks and poetry on my skin and braile and slamming my locker and calls me a rage studded girl. Its so lovely, and my whole day is about a thousand times better. I am so happy.

I told my mom two people wrote a song about me while she was getting ready for bed and she said she wanted to hear it. I went to get my laptop because I was really excited for her to hear it, but she noticed that when I took a nap in her comfy bed earlier I brought a blanket from the family room with me because it had been around my bare shoulders. She yelled at me for while, about how I can never just use what I am supposed to like the blankets already on the bed, which was weird and completely uncalled for, and then I guess she forgot about the song and I am too afraid to play it for her now.

And I really wanted someone else to hear it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd like to hear it.

9:04 AM  
Blogger Anonymous Bitch said...

Thank you for wanting to hear it.

2:13 PM  
Blogger Georgia said...

It is wonderful. :)

5:11 PM  

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