Thursday, December 07, 2006

Lovely Evening

"I know your heart is heavy
I can feel it when we kiss
So many men before me
Have thrown their backs out
Trying to lift it
But me, I'm not a gamble
You can count on me... to split
The love I sell you in the evening
By the morning wont exist."
~Lua, Bright eyes

Torn up Throats

All the things here are
Just blank words and notes
They dont mean anything
But they tear up our throats
And you're screaming and screaming
But I am not there
I dont know how I know
But it's all in my ear
If you dont want to feel me
Then leave me alone
You can't speak for the pain
And it destroys your throne
If you looked into my eyes
You would only see eyes
But you looked in my mouth
There was blood. To your surprise?
Do you not scream like me?
In your mouth, dont you shout?
Not letting anything go
But hoping they'll find you out?
My throat is so warn
And my lips are so weak
That when you finally need me
I for once cannot speak