Saturday, July 22, 2006

Boredom Ensues

My date was BARELY a date.

My sister has taken the TV.

It is unbelivably hot.

I have no girlfriend.

Kameron is going away!!!!!!!!

Boredom, and sadness, ensues.....

GOD: Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Crimes of Love in Paradise

Single in the paradise of hell
I sit and think of times when things were lost
When time was the one thing that could tell
And you were always waiting for the cost

But here I see the world has changed it ways
You’re gone, and I am not lonely at all
I sit and watch the passing of the days
Never worrying how I will fall

And all the world comes crashing down around me
Not mine, but still I know its all a mess
For once I don’t pretend that I do not see
And try to think of love as something less

But eating at my soul are nagging feelings
That try to tell the truth about all love
But when they come, I look up at the ceiling
Counting tiles, and bumps, and dents above

Soon my soul’s been eaten by my insides
And still, ignored, go feelings through my heart
The acid that my feelings and dead soul provide
Eat me up, as well as monsters from the start

Still I smile, and try to guilt myself to bliss
For I’ve loved, and lost, felt too much in the latter
And deaths seem so much worse, and yet above this
Yet something inside tells me it doesn’t matter

Doesn’t matter what goes on without me there
Doesn’t matter if I haven’t shed a tear
Doesn’t help if at the news, I always stare
Only matters if it left me with much fear

Something snaps, I see to what it all amounts
Though I try to change, to fit myself in times
I realize that love’s the only thing that counts
And crimes of love are the only crimes