Monday, April 17, 2006

Comics and their Effect on my Love Life

I take it all back. Never trust Anonymous Shrink with anything at all. He said he thinks that no one reads what I write because they are afraid of me, and they are afraid of me because I say weird things to get their attention. Well I say screw him. No one reads my goddamn blog, who am I scaring? And then he said he was going to tell my parents about my blog. What I freak, I begged him not to and he agreed. I hate to beg. It makes me feel inferior, and stupid, because I have sunk to the lowest form of manipulation, which is begging. I am afraid of falling in love again, with someone I cant have. Its stupid. This girl came up to me while I was waiting to use the bathroom at Willow Street Pizza, and I don’t know why. It was weird. All my friends and me were at Baskin Robbins next door, for anonymous friend B’s birthday. B has to pee, and there is no restroom in Baskin Robbins, so we go to Willow Street Pizza, which is right next door. So she goes first and I start reading these comics from 1942 that they have posted on the wall in a frame as some sort of artwork. This chick comes up to me, very pretty, about 17, and starts talking to me about them. She is all like, “Are you into this stuff?” like its something like S and M that people are “into”. So I’m like, “Not really,” which is a lie, I read the comics every single day. But she sounded like she didn’t like them, so I figured it was easier to just agree. “I hate comics,” she continues, gesturing to this one with no dialogue with some guy eating pancakes, its not very funny. “They are always so focused on, like, potty humor, they should get more into the deeper social issues in America, it can turn out much funnier.” It was such a weird thing to say, that I just stared at her for a while. Then I said, “I know, I like to read the articles in the arts section more than the comics,” which is sort of true. She laughs and smiles at me, “Yeah.” She starts talking about her friends, who write this comic strip that she thinks is like hilarious. It was sooooo weird. So finally B comes out and I go in, wondering at how goddamn friendly this chick is. So I come out, and she is gone, which is weird since there is no other bathroom, and I figured that was why she was standing in this little hallway. So B says, “Were you talking to that chick?” and I am like “yeah, she just walked up to me, where did she go?” so B’s like, “she left right after you went in.” Ummm, yeah sort of weird. So we speculate as we’re walking back, and decide that this chick was hitting on me. Which probably wasn’t true, but intrigued me. It wasn’t like I totally fell in love with her when I saw her, but I somehow wished that we had talked more, and that she asked me out. It would have been nice. But Anonymous Shrink says I fantasize too much, and that I should actually go out there and make things happen, so I stopped thinking about what I should have said, or how I should have reacted, I just stopped thinking about her overall. But then I am on Myspace and I am looking at anonymous friend SK’s pics, and see her new boyfriend kissing the side of her face by her eye, and she has got this big smile on her face, and I am like, “Hey! I am not unattractive, why don’t I have someone to kiss?” So my mind goes back to this chick, and I keep wondering, could I have had her? But I probably couldn’t have. Whatever. I think I say whatever too much. Oh fuck it all to hell.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

the shrink sounds like a douche. everynoe has problems. some of us are just a little defective in dealing with them. doesn't sound like he wants to help you, just make you feel like an asshole. which you aren't.

8:44 AM  

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